The slower things in life


We are a new clothing company working out of a 400-year-old barn on the side of a mountain in Ireland. We are not selling a lifestyle, we don’t promise to make you beautiful, and we don’t have the budget or the inclination to pay some famous torso to model our t-shirts.

When you buy Tin Top there is nobody to be like, no tribe to be part of, and nothing to tell anyone who you are. We are so new and so small that you are almost certain to be the only person you will ever meet who is wearing our clothing. You will be the perfect nobody.

All our t-shirts are made of organic cotton, ethically traded, and carbon neutral. Not that anyone will know – they look the same as rainforest killing child labour t-shirts. We know. You know. We know you know, but nobody else will.

Our t-shirts are double stitched, premium combed cotton and they are screen printed by hand in an artisan print studio. Every design including our logo is by a professional artist. We were going to write that on the back in giant letters interspersed with some pseudo-Japanese writing using a nice fake patina font. But we didn’t, so nobody will ever know.

If you have read this far, I know you are thinking our t-shirts must be very expensive. It’s a classic sales ploy – give the buyer nothing and charge them a month’s wages. Get everybody talking about it on Bebo or whatever the kids use these days. Generate some free publicity. No – we just added a fair margin – nothing to get excited about

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