I have been cooking this for 20 years now and it still amazes me how few people do it. Whether you are camping, having a party, or making Sunday dinner this is the fastest and easiest way to cook a whole chicken. You don't even need instructions really. Simply place the chicken breast side down and cut along both sides of the backbone. You don't need to be neat and tidy - just cut it out with a knife or scissors. Then simply bashcock (it sounds less skilful than spatchcock!) the chicken flat so that its legs and wings are out to the side and the two breasts are in the centre. You can now cook that whole chicken on a small bbq, on a George Foreman, in a pizza oven, or even over open flames in about half the time it takes to cook it otherwise. Lash salt and salt on it. I can promise you that you will never buy a rotisserie chicken again.